Investing Platform Service Terms


The following Investing Platform Service Terms (these “Investing Platform Service Terms”) modify and supplement our General Terms, the terms and conditions of which are hereby expressly incorporated by reference, and together with the General Terms, collectively governs your access and use of our Investing Platform Service. Capitalised terms used in these Investing Platform Service Terms, but not defined herein have the meanings given to such terms in the General Terms. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these Investing Platform Service Terms and the General Terms, the applicable terms of these Investing Platform Service Terms will control with respect to your use of the Investing Platform Service.


INVESTORS AND GENERAL USERS: The P7 platform is open to all individuals or entities interested in participating in investment activities («Users», «Investors»). While the platform aims to be inclusive, Users are strongly advised to possess a thorough understanding of the financial, legal, and risk parameters involved in investing in a diversified portfolio of business ventures. By engaging in any investment activities on this platform, Users acknowledge the inherent risks, including but not limited to capital loss and investment illiquidity. Users are also advised to consult with financial, legal, or tax professionals before making any investment decisions.

ACCREDITATION SUGGESTIONS: While P7 does not mandate accreditation, it is in the best interest of Users to self-assess their financial capabilities and sophistication in investment matters. Though P7 undertakes a basic review to guide Users, it does not independently verify the financial standing or sophistication level of any User.

RIGHT TO MODIFY OR DISCONTINUE ACCESS: P7 reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, suspend, or terminate your access to the Investment Platform Service at any time, for any or no reason, including but not limited to violations of these Terms or the Early Withdrawal Penalties as specified in a separate section.


  • NO MANAGEMENT FEES: The Investment Platform Service, as provided by P7, does not levy a periodic management fee for basic utilisation of its investment features.
  • INCIDENTAL EXPENSES: The User shall bear the incidental costs associated with the transactional execution, including but not limited to, currency exchange impositions and bank transaction tariffs.
  • EARLY LIQUIDATION DAMAGES: The User acknowledges that premature withdrawal of the principal amount before the maturity of the stipulated investment term may incur liquidation damages. These are calculated to fairly address the financial impact of an early exit on the overall investment structure and other investors. These damages are not punitive in nature; instead, they are reflective of the actual economic consequences and necessary adjustments required to maintain the stability and integrity of the investment plan for all participants. In the case of early withdrawal requests, these damages may be equivalent to 25% of the initial investment amount. Furthermore, the investor will forfeit the promised return. This policy is in place because our investments are tied to real-world assets, and premature liquidation can impact the overall investment strategy and other investors.
  • CURRENCY CONVERSION: The User shall be solely responsible for any pecuniary charges levied on account of currency conversion. Such charges shall be conspicuously delineated during the transactional phase.
  • MODIFICATION OF FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS: P7 reserves an unequivocal right to amend or introduce fees and is obligated to proffer prior notice to the User. Any such modifications shall become effective forthwith upon being published on the Platform or through direct electronic correspondence with the User.


You agree that:

  • Requirements related to Investments.
  1. Due Diligence in Investments: You shall independently assess and scrutinise all relevant documentation, including but not limited to, the financial projections, risk disclosures, and operational facets before committing capital to any investment opportunity presented by P7.
  2. Independent Judgment: You shall exercise your individual discretion in deciding to commit funds into any investment opportunity and shall not act on the presumption of any guaranteed returns or financial advice from P7.
  3. Compliance with Applicable Laws: You are solely responsible for adherence to any and all local, state, national, and international laws and regulations that are pertinent to your investment activities, including but not limited to, the determination of your eligibility as an investor under applicable law.
  4. Professional Consultation: You are advised to seek independent professional advice tailored to your individual financial situation, including legal, accounting, and tax counsel.
  5. Acknowledgment of Risks: You affirm that you have duly reviewed and understood the risks associated with the investment in diversified business ventures as detailed within the Investment Platform Service and any ancillary documentation.
  6. No Assumption of Recommendations: You acknowledge that P7 does not endorse or recommend any specific investment opportunities. Any information provided is for informational purposes and should not be construed as investment advice.
  7. No Reliance on Non-Verified Content: You agree not to consider any content, emails, or other information received through P7 as a formal recommendation or endorsement, unless explicitly stated by P7.
  8. Prohibited Usage: You shall refrain from utilising the P7 platform for any activities that would necessitate P7 to register as a financial institution or investment service provider under applicable laws and regulations.”


  1. Investor Relations: P7 is under no obligation to facilitate introductions between investors and businesses within our diversified portfolio.
  2. Due Diligence: While P7 takes steps to scrutinise businesses and industries involved, it is not responsible for conducting extensive due diligence on behalf of the investors. Investors are advised to perform their own due diligence and consult professional advisors.
  3. Investor Eligibility: P7 does not undertake the responsibility of verifying the accredited or qualified status of investors. It is incumbent upon the investors to ensure their eligibility under the applicable laws governing securities in the European Union and other jurisdictions.
  4. Investment Advice: P7 does not offer personalised investment advice or endorse any particular investment opportunity. The platform serves as a facilitator for diversified investment opportunities.
  5. Exclusive Opportunities: Should P7 directly invest in any of the businesses within its portfolio, there is no obligation on P7’s part to extend the same investment opportunity to its platform users.


Unless terminated by PineSeven, these Investing Platform Service Terms will remain in full force and effect while you use the Investing Platform Service. We may terminate these Investing Platform Service Terms at any time and for any reason or no reason, including, without limitation, if you are suspected of violating any provision of these Investing Platform Service Terms or the General Terms. All provisions of Section II (Investing Platform Service), Section III (Investing Platform Service Fees and Payment), and this Section VIII (Term and Termination) and any other provision of these Investing Platform Service Terms which by their nature are designed to survive termination shall survive any termination or expiration of these Investing Platform Service Terms.


These Investing Platform Service Terms were last updated on October 19, 2023.


If you have any questions about these Investing Platform Service Terms, please contact us at

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